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1st. Lt. George B. Batten

1st. Lt. George B. Batten Admin |

While visiting a friends grave at the Wenonah, New Jersey cemetery recently, I happened upon this most amazing life size memorial statue on the grave of a long forgotten Marine of WWI. 1st. Lt. George B. Batten. Born in 1898, died 1926. He was a young man when he died. Was his death caused by his war experiences? Gassing or other wounds? Did he fight at Belleau Wood or The Somme? However or whatever the circumstances, his likeness on this memorial shows his pride in the Corps. He got my salute and will again next time I visit New Jersey. All of you South Jersey Marines, please visit Lt. Batten on the birthday, give him a proper salute, and lay a flower on his grave.

Semper Fi
Norm Spilleth
Cpl., '60 to '64 

1 comment

Next time you are in Wenonah stop in the historical commission in Mantua they can give you more information on him

Pamela Runyan,

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