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230 Years of Pride Admin |

230 years of Pride
Bob Beskar

Ask any Marine about their birth?
And they may say, “When God made earth”!

For they know well what land goes for?
They bought enough while in the “Corps”!

For Two hundred thirty years of pride?
They’ve fought next to each other’s side.

And for “Old Glory’s” right to fly?
Our proud Marines would often die!

They’re special men, and women too?
That gave their all, for me and you?

And on November 10th this year?
You’ll hear them toast, you’ll hear them cheer!

For pride and honor is their theme?
It’s not a notion or a dream?

They live each day for those they love?
And their “Corps” and God above!

That’s why they joined the chosen few?
To preserve, protect, what they hold true!

So on this day let’s honor those?
Who stay awake and on their toes?

The proud Marines that keep us free?
And give us hope and liberty!

Happy Birthday Marines!

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