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47 Years Ago

47 Years Ago

Mike 4/11, 1st Mar Div, Hill 65 & An Hoa Vietnam Jan 1969 till Feb 1970. Having served as a 19 yr old marine in Vietnam one realizes time does not sharpen the memories of that place, unfotunately we also push aside the names and faces of those that you served with because you just look to forget. One evening Recently I received a telephone call from a person who said he was Mike Paul from our battery of Mike 4/11 in 1969. To my embarrassment I didn’t remember the name until he said he was called “Top” because his father was a Master Sargeant in the Corps. After I picked myself up from the floor we talked for hours, leaving off with agreeing to meet in Florida this year. To sum this reunion up, we consumed beer and over served ourselves with bourbon, we laughed, we thought about some of the guys that have passed and finally agreed not to allow 47 yrs to go between visits. A Dec cruise is being planned.
Previous article Lineage of the USMC Eagle, Globe and Anchor


Ron Rosenke - April 7, 2020

Could Mike Paul be from St. Pete, Fl? We went to high school together and lost track over the years.

JACK D HANSON - April 7, 2020

does anyone know of Steve Williams (TX and/or LA) we served in Delta 2/11 67/68. please help if you can

John Kisly, nickname “keeze” - April 7, 2020

I was on Hill 65 for a short with India 3/11 in 1968. As I recall it was probably the beginning of monsoon in late October. I was an ordnance tech. Worked on the breeches, defogged sights, etc.

Tom Johnson - April 7, 2020

I was with 3rd 8″ from April 67 June 68. You guys (or predecessor’s) were to our right and down the slope a little. Sorry if we blew your tents apart now and then.

Gerald Pierini - April 7, 2020

I was with the Amtrac platoon at Am Hoa from May 69 to Jan 69. 1st Mar Div, 3rd Tracs, Alpha Company 4th Platoon. Previously, I had been with 1st Tracs up at Cue Viet. I haven’t come across much about Am Hoa on the internet over the years. Not only have I now heard, we were there at the same time. Semper Fi!

Norm Decicco - April 7, 2020

I was in An Hoa from March 1969 to March 1970 with HQ company in FDC.

James Kanavy - April 7, 2020

I was there 1 Sept 1967 while an Intell scout with S-2 HQ Co, 1st Marine Regt. Semper Fi

Cpl Jack L Bell - April 7, 2020

I was with D 2/11 on Hill 65 in 1970. Worked in FDC.

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