Just because I'm not big on Blues doesn't mean I'm not big on the Corps. I have a Marine Corps emblem on my car, various Marine covers, a desert cammie utility jacket and a boonie hat, among other things.
I even have a Marine Corps Zippo and coffee cups so don't think I'm not proud of being a Marine. H-ll, I even got our new grandson a rubber ducky in Dress Blues for his bath from Sgt. Grit. He tries to bite the head off, just like a real Marine.
The one and only time I ever visited Starbuck's, I wore a cover that says "Marine Veteran" and was thanked for my service by a complete stranger.
I also enjoy making iron-on shirts as a hobby and my favorite subject is the USMC. They're not professional-looking but they get the message across. My brother was also in the Corps and I've sent him at least a dozen. By the way, he's also not big on Blues, but proudly wears his homemade USMC shirts nonetheless.
How many OLD NAVY shirts have you seen lately, dozens maybe? I came up with OLD MARINE as a counterbalance to that hooey.
So far, the best comment I've read about Dress Blues is from Sgt. Jim Grimes who said he only wore his 4 times but wouldn't trade them for a million dollars even though alas, they no longer fit. That's good enough for me.
Anybody want to talk about trops? If so, RSVP ASAP. I have some good stories about trops and would love to hear yours.
Mike Benfield
Old Marine