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Cold War Certificates Admin |

Cold War Certificate Now Available

Between 28 Million former and current service members and DOD civilians began applying on 5 April 1999 for certificates honoring them for their parts in winning the Cold War. Person are eligible for the Recognition Certificate if they have honorable military or civilian service with the War, Navy or Defense Departments between 2 September 1945 and 26 December 1991.

Information is available at:

Web site:
FAX: (703) 275-6749
Telepone: 703-325-5864

Applicants can also mail requests to:

Cold War Recognition, Hoffman II
200 Stovall St
Alexandria, VA 22332-0473

Applicants must present proof of service. Applicants are cautioned not to send original documents because they cannot be returned. Applicants must use fax or mail to submit supporting documents.

Military or civilian personnel requesting the award must certify that they served honorably and faithfully at any period during the Cold War and state that in their request. If you do not the application will be rejected. Each mailed or faxed request must have official documents verifying their service. Acceptable documents include any government form that includes that includes the applicant’s name, Social Security or service or foreign service number and the date of service.

Military personnel can also use any of the following documents as proof of service: DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release/Discharge from Active Duty); WD AGO Form 53-55 (War Department Separation Document); or Oath of Office — Military Personnel or Letter of Appointment.

Qualifying civilian service also can be proved with a Standard Form 50 (Notification of Personnel Action); Standard Form 2809 (Health Benefit Registration Form); an award certificate with employee’s name, name of service or agency, and dates; or retirement forms with the employee’s name, service or agency and dates.

Copies of these records can be obtained by writing:

National Personnel Records
(Military Personnel Records)
9700 Page Ave
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100


Where to Write for Vital Records

A publication from the National Center for Health Statistics, offers a listing of state and local vital statistics offices, information on the cost of copies and guidelines for what facts to include when requesting copies.

For a copy of this publication, call toll-free 1-888-8 PUEBLO (1-888-878-3256) and ask for Item 135F. Have your credit card handy. Or send your name, address and a check or money order for $2.25 to: Consumer Information Center, Dept. 135F, Pueblo, CO 81009.

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Brian Tunell,

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