Color Guard
Sgt. Grit,
Please find attached a picture of my wife and grandson with a Marine Color guard at the opening day of the International Quilt Festival in Houston. You have to love those promoters of this event. A prayer was said along with the playing of the National Anthem. Little Ethan was in awe of the Marines, so afterward the ceremony, he told his Grandma that he wanted to talk to the ?soldiers?. ( he?s only three?cut him some slack) He was somewhat intimated by the men when they approached but they soon were high fiving him and talking with the family. I wasn?t present but while quizzing him later, he told me ?They had flags and rifles?. I would like to thank these Marines for taking the time to visit with my bunch. Regretfully, my wife failed to mention to them that I was a member of the fraternity. If the members of that Color Guard do read this letter, feel free to email me.
Thanks a bunch.
Semper Fi
Dan Buchanan