Gig Line Admin |
This isn’t a story, really. It’s an observation, and I guess a gripe. In September 1967 I arrived in country on the day that my recruit Platoon Commander (MCRD San Diego, Platoon 356, April 1966 ) GySgt Robert C. Roper was killed on Con Thien while serving as company gunny of H/2/9. Gunny Roper was the inspiration for the current DI Statue on the edge of the grinder at MCRD. Then SSgt Roper was the poster quintessential image of a Marine, an infantry veteran of Korea who enlisted in the Corps at 17, and the first Marine I saw at 2100 hours when I stood on the yellow footprints and began to wonder what I had gotten myself into. I write this to draw attention to a situation that to my eye, is all to prevalent in the way Marines of today present themselves in any uniform other than utilities. Call it bitchy if you wish, but here it is: we learned, well, we were forced to learn, that pride in the uniform we were about to earn the honor of wearing was paramount in how we viewed and would present ourselves as Marines. We shined our brass every day, and spit shined our boots every day, and, when we were given them before graduation, spit shined our dress shoes, and the visor of our barracks cover frame. Our gig lines, when first standing final inspection in, for me, the tropical uniform, was perfect, from the platen of the tropical shirt, through the belt buckle, and through the fly. I recently attended a “welcome home Vietnam veterans” ceremony at the DLI in Monterey where I observed two Marine sergeants, recruiters, both of whom had gig lines that made me cringe. Then, in the recent edition of Leatherneck, the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps appears on the cover with his belt buckle completely off the gig line. GySgt Roper is spinning in his casket, and I, for one, long for the day when the one thing, in garrison, that caused us to stand out from all the other services was the absolute perfection in the appearance of our uniforms. we had no anodized anything, including decorations. It was a difficult mindset to reacquire, after returning from Vietnam where we shined and polished nothing, and wore no rank insignia except on our soft utility covers, and of course never bathed, but reacquire it we did. I guess the old Corps is gone forever. Why? Stateside Marines are supposed to be perfect in uniform, from the Commandant on down. That is apparently not the case any longer. Do current Marines find that acceptable, or am I just an old fart learning for another era?
Thank you for bringing things to light that many (non-military) folks would think stupid and trivial but as the daughter of a Marine, the wife of an Army combat vet, and being Retired USAF myself it is anything but trivial. Being a military member of ANY branch, ANY rank, active, guard, reserve, or retired…matters; WE are the true representatives of the United States of America. How we carry ourselves in/out of uniform matters! The gig line is a simple but important aspect of attention to detail and pride in ourselves as service members and Americans matters! TSgt Gunn, USAF Retired
In reply to Cpl Bob.
Awesome story, Bob. Semper Fidelis.
In reply to A. Troy Morris, Sgt. USMC 1964-68.
Parris Island 1961 We also called it Military Alignment,,,,,,,,,After all these years, still do it to stay squared away every day.
I watched the Presidents speech last evening and was amazed that the audience were all wearing their services working uniform, if they can’t wear their class A uniform for the President why even have them?
No F’n excuse Sgt Major of the Marine Corps….resign.
In reply to Henry young.
Semper fidelis, Henry. God bless you, you old turd.
In reply to the “infamous” Cpl. Murphy.
Sirs, you old TURDS amaze me.. 48 years after getting out we can still have a conversation about military allotment… Yes I still line things up, it’s a task sometime (I’m 71) but pride wins every time… Stay sharp brothers.. Semper Fi… L/cpl Henry young, RVN 65/66/69
So I see most of these are from the real Old Corps. I graduated Parris Island in 1992. I still cannot walk out the door without checking my trousers, shirt, and belt for proper alignment. I also do not wear any headgear indoors. In fact, I told my son to remove his this morning while we were shopping when we walked inside. One must have some pride in their own personal appearance.
Graduated Parris Island SC in 1963. We called it, our “Military Alignment.” My last day of active duty was 16 June 1966, which was the second time I was officially wounded in Vietnam… That was when the Corps seemed to start changing, and politics started controlling the mindset of the Corps. Don’t feel alone, a lot more than military alignment slipped away from the Marine Corps in the last few decades. Most people don’t realize that the abolishment of the draft was also a factor to all the services overall… And the kind of “wars” the men have to fight now… Then have to come back to a VA filled of strange people that treat veterans like they are from a different planet. All I can say is, time changes things. Cpl. RC Binns, USMC Ret. Navy Cross. (Highest decorated living survivor of The Battle of Hill 488). Author of “The Price of Glory / Battle of Hill 488. If you want to hear about changes read it, it’s on Amazon as an eBook.
To this day, 46 years after my discharge from active duty, I maintain proper military alignment in my civies. Every other Marine I know does this as well A few years ago I was commuting from my home in Denver to the large corporate office of a multinational energy company in Houston when I noticed another of their employees maintaining impeccable military alignment in his civilian work clothes. I ask if he was a Marine and he affirmed that he was. You can always tell a Marine (you just can’t tell him much).
When I reported in for DI School at PI in 1952, the Sgt of the guard at the main gate said your gig line is good, but your knot on your field scarf is bad. I said, what the hale is a gig line, I never heard of it. He explained it to me in detail. Then he said you better step in the head and re-tie that scarf, or you won’t get a very warm welcome. I was coming in from an Ammo Depot Base,and most of us tied Windsor knots, and no complaints about that. So after getting squared away, he allowed me to sign in, and the way I went to become a JDI. To this day, I tie the regulation knot and check my gig line. Never recall ever being told about regulation knots in MCRDSAN or ITR @ OCEANSIDE before going to Korea? I must have been asleep during that class.! I am 86 and have a lot of brain fog, so maybe I forget those things.
Recently a Marine C-130 crashed in Mississippi. The news media posted pictures of the deceased Marines in their dress green uniforms. (Alpha when I was in) Those Marines had obviously not been taught the correct way to tie a tie (field scarf to the old breed). Their appearance to a man in those photos did not reflect the pride and attention to detail that was inculcated to Marines during my period of service. (70-78) What has happened to our Corps.? Is this a manifestation of Ray Mabus’ disastrous term as Secretary of the Navy?
I also maintain a straight gig line in my civilian attire. It drives my wife crazy when I check myself before leaving the house. After 45 yrs. of been married she still can’t understand me. Semper Fi.
Hell, that is why I joined the Marines in ’66, the year of the draft. did not want to get drafted (wanted to go on my terms), wasn’t going to college and sure as hell wasn’t running to Canada…..the army uniform never fit any joker I laid eyes on. the navy bell bottoms were ok and the air force…well all the males in my family were air force but I wasn’t having none of that. attended mid-night mass on Xmas….in strode this Marine in his fitting greens and I knew that is where I was headed. still blouse my shirt to this day…. pants are for women and squids, Marines wear trousers! 3114 killers sir!
In reply to MSgt Earl Roy GILPIN Retired.
Semper fi, MSgt!