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Good Spirits in Iraq Admin |

Good Spirits in Iraq

as-salaam sgt grit,
i am sgt david howard, USMC 84-91 from union city, ok and have driven by your warehouse out off of airport road for several years. in august 04, i had to stop in to pick up a NEW k-bar (my old k-bar is perfectly serviceable-but has done its time) for my travels to IRAQ. your staff was courteous and helpful. when a friend of mine (he was a USMC SGT 74-78) was getting ready to join me here, he also went and got a new k-bar….it seems old jarheads still love and prefer k-bars. my father, PFC thomas howard, USMC 44-48 used to talk a lot about his k-bar. well sgt grit, i just wanted to let you know you got a hell of a web site. i have included a pic, there are a bunch of us old marines over here spread throughout the country and a hell of a lot of younger marines doing one hell of a job in fallugah. i had the pleasure to stay a night with some wounded marines & and a grunt corpsman, boy were they in good spirits and typical MARINES………..”WHO’s YER BAGHDADDY?”


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