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Homemade Hooch Admin |

Sgt. Grit,

Here is a Christmas story for you. It was Christmas 1990 and we were in Saudi Arabia getting ready for Desert Storm. All of us SNCO’s with 3rd Assault Amphibious Battalion had been putting items we received from home on a table in our tent to share on Christmas Day. After going to the chow hall we went back to our tent to start our celebrating. The company CO and a few other officers came by to celebrate also. One of the Corpsman had been making some homemade hooch and he decided to share with all there (no alcohol was allowed in Saudi). Well everyone had a little sip as there was not much and we enjoyed it. The next day the word came down that no more homemade hooch would be allowed. We had a good Christmas even though we were away from our families. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.

Douglas R. Warren

Gysgt Retired


Sgt Grit wants to hear from you! Leave your comments below or submit your own story!


LOL!! I was in Saudi at that time and we did the same!!! We had a radio operator from Kentucky that used plastic water bottles with rubbing alcohol and orange peels and sugar and buried it in the sand for a few days and made some “hooch” as well.. That was my first and last Christmas and new years in Saudi.. Ooh Rah!

Brian Thomas,

i spent christmas 1965 as part of blt 1/9 i was on the uss iwo jima lph 2 of some reason whele in subic bay some of us where off loaded to some very old barracks wheth only very coldwater in the showers bottom line my memory of christmas 1965 was it being very hotand humid somuch so that my t-shitts just rotting off my back, iwas sureglad to get back out to sea and away from olangpo and the vd spready bar whores. out side of subic bay. i was a pfc at the time later wheni wasdischrged i was a sgt e-5 under 4 i was a disbursing clrck at camphansen okinawa i got out on a school cut flew home from kadena air force base to mcas el toro where i was dischared on 1/27/67

sgt tom dicks,

Back about 50 years ago a friend and neighbor working for TWA was sent to manage a full crew to maintain (Clean-up and freshen) the planes interiors in Saudi Arabia. They had a big party the night of their arrival. They were GONE the next say.. Happily, TWA understood and kept them on as employees.

John Durant Cpl from when they created Lance Corporals,

My first Christmas away from home was at futema okinawa as part of the first marine air wing the buddy I enlisted with was stationed in iwakuni Semper Fi and a very Merry Christmas

Mike Ruggiero,

Ten High! DaNang 1967

Porfirio Moreno Sgt USMC,

As a former active duty Marine, (’67 – ’70) and as a Member of the Sons of the American Legion, I was privileged to enjoy Christmas lunch wit Charlie Co. 3rd AA Bn. 22 December 2016. I had a really great time, and 3 of the Marines sitting at our table won the TV door prizes. A really Great Day!

Geoff Smith,

My Statement is who reads please contact your Senators and Representatives to hired at least one at any Veteran Medical Center a Cosmetic Dentistry Dentist that knows how to put in G4 implants because their is absolutely not one at a Veteran Medical Center I don’t Drink I care more about Veterans Healthcare. ….Semper Fi.

Arnold Miller Cabral,

When I was in we were going on a med.cruse we tried to make moonshine but found out that the Brue would eat the aluminum water cans and be deadly to us.


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