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I Almost Caught

I Almost Caught Admin |

In 1950 I was at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. There was a lot of things going through boot Camp and some not so funny things, We would go to Camp Matthews rifle range for two weeks which now I think the University of California is on that property.

We all lived in Tents four men to a Tent and on the outside of the tents there several buckets of water hanging in the outside of the tent filled with water in the case of a fire. The first thing the DI told us was if we knock one Of the buckets of off its mounted which was a big nail holding the Bucket. We were all told to fall OUT of the tents with SeaBags packed with all our belongs. Of course this was all double time and some one ran into me and down fell the Bucket, immediately the drill instructor called as loud as he could, Pvt Smith bring the bucket here and better run and fast.

I think I almost caught the bucket before it hit the ground. I reported to him Pvt Smith is here as ordered sir, start drinking the water and there were a lot of bugs drowned in bucket. This went on for three days and he had me report to him every day for three days with the bucket just before chow time to drink more and on the 4th day he said have you learned your lesson Yes Sir, then he poured the remainder over my head. Now a days I don’t think they would allow this but I always laugh when I think Of It.

Robert O. Smith


Went to Parris Island 19 July 1961. My number was 1941560. We trained with the M-1 Grand rifle.

G. Bradshaw Cpl. E-4,

many funny,(now!) things happened in boot camp. some not so funny, but none forgotten.

richard shepherd’ 65-68 active.,

Hell yes Bro. We where still being issued M-1s. My rifle number was 1631101, Mfg. by Winchester in 1943. My service number was 1924816. Entered the Great Asylum (Parris Island) 19 July 61. At that time, only 1 Platoon in a training Company where issued M-14s. The other 3 Platoons where issued M-1s. Oddly enough, the call for rapid fire at the range was, “With a clip and 2 rounds or a Magazine and 5 rounds, Lock and Load”.

Ed Roessler,

I joined with a high school buddy in 10/67 and his number started 23xxx. Mine started 240xxx. There doesn’t seem to be much structure to dispensation. In addition, alphabetically I would be before his.

Dan Balk,

Anyone remember their rifle number from boot camp?



Bob Rader,

Mine was 2445837 in July 1968. I will remember that number till I die. Like you I might forget A LOT of things but never that number,

Sgt Robert L Sisson,

To Joseph F. Colbert. Enlisted in my local USMCR unit while in high school in’57. Serial number assigned at enlistment and stayed with me. Went to MCRD after high school June 58 and chose to stay on active duty. Number is on my dog tag, discharge and DD214. I have no clue on how they are assigned.

Johnny Reyes Jr.,

Sgt. J. Colbert USMC 56 -66 My first 3 numbers were 164, My question is How did you get a 157 in 1958? Corrected year

joseph f colbert,

Sgt. J. Colbert USMC 56 -66 My first 3 numbers were 164, My question is How did you get a 157 in 1968?

joseph f colbert,

2464916 from 1968 at Parris Island. Like everyone else I don’t remember my name some days but will never forget my service number! A year in Nam with 5th comm. Bn. And other then family the thing I am proudest of is my time in CORPS. and Nam!

Philip Cresthull,

Interesting that you mention service numbers. Speaking to my wife the other day I exclaimed how somethings become embedded into your subconscious and never leave you. In MCRD San Diego I was assigned the number 1577878 in June 1958 and I can repeat it in my sleep. The original dog tag is on my key ring which is from a frag grenade pin from 2ITR, Camp San Onofre. Went back for a visit in 2008 and couldn’t find the road and gate from the town of San Onofre into the 2ITR camp. New developments and civilization had taken over all those open spaces.

Johnny Reyes Jr. USMC 57-63 USAF 72-00,

I remember Matthews in 1955 tents too.. We marched there. I had my 18th birthday during the first week, no party. The firing line for the Snap-in course was mostly sand and every time you’d lift up you arm to pull back or release the bolt sand would get in the receiver group. Surprised and pleased the DI’s by shooting expert.

W.R. Nicoll 1556006,

Hey Marine, that’s a pretty salty service number. I came in, in 1967. Also MCRD SD. My service number is tattooed on my brain as 2377865. My dog tags say so, too.

James Norton, Semper Fi,

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