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I Need Your Help So Please Read!

I Need Your Help So Please Read! Admin |

Attention family & friends of RICK KING as I expect EVERYONE to get right on this and for anyone else who is willing. My dad has terminal cancer and has been chosen for the Honor Flight in May, however, due to his condition he will be unable to go. They are working on a virtual reality experience for him so this is where I need your help…….. they want to do a “mail call” and issue him a bag full of letters & cards to thank him for his service. So even for those that don’t know him you can still just send a quick thank you to a veteran simple as that. But please hurry as I really do not know how much time he has left so quickly is a very important factor. Trying to get the virtual reality equipment to him within next 2 weeks. Please send letters or cards to :

Land of Lincoln Honor Flight
c/o Joan Bortolon
RE: Rick King
#57 Country Place
Springfield, IL 62703


You are one of the very best marines, due to the fact. Liberty and freedom are still intact. The legacy that was passed on to you has been passed on by you. God will see you though. Until we meet at those gold bricked streets. Keep the faith. marine

wayman guinn,

Much love and gratitude to you for your service to our country. May God bless you and your loved ones.

Janet Miller,

Semper Fi Marine…God Bless you !!! USMC 69-71

Marvin K Rhodes,

God Bless You and may God be with you till we meet again. Semper Fi!!

Cpl, James F. Pickett,

God bless you and all my brothers,on this mission and whatever missions God has for usmc ksettlemire

Keith settlements cpl,

God bless you and all my brothers,on this mission and whatever missions God has for sync k.settlements 68_70 Vietnam vet.

Keith settlements cpl,

I mailed my letter this morning. Semper Fi, Marine, and thanks.

Robert Dickerson,

Semper Fi

Barnie Martinez,

As a Woman Marine 1968-1970 and the daughter of a Marine 1950-1970, I am proud to have been in the same service as men like you. I know you will serve in your next duty station with the honor and dignity you have shown in this one. Bless your heart and that of your loving family.

Karen Kaye,

SEMPER FI. I hope everything goes well for you and your family. You will be in great company when you reach the streets guarded by other great MARINES.

Patrick McBride,

United States Marine Corps Rick King–proud to meet you…Looks to me like you still have that Marine Corps swagger.

Garent Gunther,

God Bless Brother. Thank you for your service. “Semper Fi Devil Dog”

Edward W Lammon,

Thank You you’re in my prayers.

Jodie Singleton,

Thank you, Joan! You started with “Attention family and friends….” Well, that would be everyone reading your plea. All Marines are family and friends! The snail mail has been written and will be in the mailbox Monday morning. Semper fidelis! Former 0302, RVN 5/67-2/69.

Gary Nash,

Where we get such fine Marines? Paris Islamd July 1961

Wayne Stacey,

You are one of the FEW, Brother Marine hang tight and remember God and County thanks you.

Waldo Searcy,

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