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One proud Dad Admin |

One proud Dad

Dear Sgt Grit-

After reading your newsletters for the last 7 months I had to write & share some of “my pride & joy”. In mid February 2006 I had the pleasure to be part of my first “Marine Homecoming” at Camp Lejeune, NC. My son is a LCpl in E Company, 2/2 Warlords & was deployed in Iraq since July 2005. Your Sgt Grit newsletters have been great & I read them all during his deployment. It is truly amazing how diverse, proud & devoted the Marine Corps Family is and I too now understand the pride at being a Marine parent. As the 5 buses full of Marines arrived, the 300 crowd went wild & erupted in cheers. While it took nearly 30 minutes for me to be reunited with my son among the hundreds of family members & Marines that “all look alike” , the 7 month & 30 minute wait was worth it. By sharing the many stories & experiences in your newsletters from other parents & Marines, my wait was OK as many others had or were doing the same. Attached is a picture of what Marine Corps Family pride & joy truly look like. Keep the great newsletters & catalogs coming.

One proud Marine Dad in NJ

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