Outstanding Customer Service
Several weeks back I placed an order with your business, as I have done many, many times. It was my usual order of several T-shirts and the new Psalms 144 Bumper Sticker. I also ordered 2 (two) custom KIA Bracelets, one for my son who is in 3/2 at Camp Lejeune and one for myself. The KIA Bracelets were in memory of L/Cpl Kevin S. Smith USMC who was killed 21 March 05 in Al Anbar, Iraq by a car bomb. L/Cpl Smith was one of only two Marines killed during 3/2?s last deployment to Iraq.
The Customer Service Representative that took my order was Barbara. She was very polite and professional while taking my order. She informed me that the T-shirts and Bumper Stickers would be sent out that day but the custom KIA Bracelets would not be shipped for about three to four weeks. The T-shirts and Bumper Stickers arrived three days later. A KIA Bracelet arrived in only two and a half weeks. That was great, but I had ordered two KIA Bracelets. I called your Customer Service number on a Monday and explained my problem. As fate would have it, Barbara also fielded my second call. She was very understanding of my problem and stated she would handle the problem and have the second KIA Bracelet made and shipped ASAP. She was not kidding I received the second KIA Bracelet on Wednesday only two days later, well done, Ooh-Rah!
This was the first time I have experienced any SNAFU while dealing with Sgt. Grit. It was handled in a very professional manner and expeditiously. Thanks to you and your Staff especially Barbara for a JOB WELL DONE!
Semper Fi
W.C. (Bill) Borne USMC 70-86