USMC Vietnam Tankers Association
The USMC Vietnam Tankers Association will be holding our 11th biennial reunion on Thursday October 31 – November 4, 2019 at the Hilton Double Tree Suites Hotel Seattle Airport – Southcenter. Anyone who served with any of the Marine tank battalions or Ontos units in Vietnam . . . in any capacity is welcome!!!
Toll free Room Reservation number is 1-800-222-8733: room reservations will not be accepted until October 2018. Use our group code “VTA” to receive the special rate of $129.00 per night. Make sure you are booking the Double Tree Suites on Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila, Washington.
To attend the 2019 USMC VTA reunion, you must have your Annual Membership Dues paid in full. Visit the USMC Vietnam Tankers Association web site for an application and more information on the reunion: or call John Wear 719-495-5998.