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Proud To Claim The TITLE

Proud To Claim The TITLE Admin |

Always enjoy reading your newsletters and often read letters from Marines exhibiting “Old Corps” photos of themselves or relatives who served God, Country and Corps from the past. Continue reading


John Losito

In USMC reserves 48-50 went in Regular USMC 1950-1954. Fought in Korea with 1st Marine Divison, I consider that I am old Corps. No rope on EGA, and no yellow footprints, and no Ooo Rah, went to P.I. for Boot Traning, once a Marine Always a Maine. If you Can Join a Marine Corps League in Your Area. Join it, meeting new Marines and having Fun.

I live in the Lake of the Ozarks, MO.

Semper Fi to all My Brothers and Sisters

John V Losito,

So how old IS Old Corps?? I served 68-74 and had an sn not an ssn. Am I salty enough to qualify?
– Sneaky Pete

Peter Dahlstrom,

A friend and I both served in the Corps the same time, 67-70. The Old Corps to us at that time was the China Marines and the WW-2 Marines. He went to Okinawa about 20 years ago. While there he struck up a conversation with a couple of Marines and was told that the then era of Marines considered anyone with a service number, not a SS number, as being Old Corps. We both chuckled about that since neither of us ever considered ourselves to be Old Corps. It’s obvious that the term keeps changing meaning. Some day those that served in the Iraq era will be Old Corps to the newer Marines.

Daniel Pozarek,

Hello brother!! I see your entry is recent, 2018. Your WWII invitation spanned my Pop’s. Peek at Robert Salle’s entry from his posse above. Pop was 2nd Marine Division and bounced from the 6th due to a busted knee. He would have been sent to Iwo if not for a very plump guy who dropped on top of him on the obstacle course wall. He said he sincerely tipped his hat to every rotund fellow he came upon after returning home. He said Okinawa was a piece of cake compared to Iwo. Your knees might be messed up. If the doctor allows a shot of cortisone or the newer shot called Sin Visc, might be worth a try. We all age in different ways and stumbling is a real jip. Eyeball your shoes and carpets to see if a change could help. Inventory everything that’s good. Maybe it’s your hearing, hands or maybe your eyesight. Pop was always giddy at meal time and had very good teeth and hands. His hearing was only partial from all the shell blasts, but his sight was good with glasses. He’d grin with, “If I only fall down once a day, it’s a moment for surprise and joy.” I’m hoping you have more good items than not and can enjoy those Florida sunrises or sunsets. A cushion under your carpet can help with hitting the floor. Pop switched to socks with nubs on the soles since his shoe tip often would catch the door sill and he’d pitch forward. He loved fishing in Florida in the 50’s and 60’s. He lived in Chesterfield, VA his whole life. He had a penchant for Gram’s “mosquito repellent” she’d smuggle into Camp Lejeune. He asked for it the day he strolled down the long dirt road up at the family farm in Louisa 30 pounds lighter, but home. Solidarity, love and care. You are never alone. Until another day! The Robert Salle posse in Chesterfield, VA. Happy Easter 2018.

Robert Salle’s posse,

Tell it brother. Hmm 2016. Share truth and kindness. Pop was a senior Marine in WWII, Signal Corps, Okinawa and the Pacific, He was 35 upon invitation, when everyone else was college aged. So handsome, his 6’2″ frame wasn’t the striking part to him. It was his blue-grey eyes that came from his Salle coastal French side of the family. An ocean of hard times overcome. His 60’s still allowed humorous memories that, “Popular meant a whole different thing in school than it did when you were Signal Corps.” In his early 70’s, we would stroll across the street to bring him home from the neighbor’s house. Many of the posse had problems over time from the herbicides used to kill down vegetation. Just glad he could come home at all. He headed out early with Leukemia but I’ll never forget his grin and comment, “I’ll always know what a good meal is!” He taught me what standing in the breach meant and shaped who I am today.

Robert Salle’s posse,

Reporting: Stanley C. “Jack,” Johnston, 541949, USMC, 1942 through December 30, 45, my discharge date. I am 94 years old, was in the 3rd Marine Division, 9th Marines L Company. Have many battle wounds but that have caused miserable problems falling, miss my old buddies, I am at 1284 Cypress Trace Dr. Melbourne , FL.32040,Phone, 1321-259-1545. God bless all.

Stanley . “Jack,” Johnston,

So Proud of all my marine Brothers from 1775 to date. Yes things do change. I graduated and awarded a set of dress blues for Parris Island top man grad in 1969. No more of that either !. Not to mention the other social liberal policies. The brotherhood will never change nor will the do or die that’s in our historical blood lines. It was hell and our family understood that these Warriors were the first , the finest , and our Sons & Daughters that felt the need to defend to the death those freedoms we preserve as a nation. With much admiration to all Marines , us old guys just say Semper Fidelis…. But OooRa is cool2.

Sgt Ray,

Today’s Date is – 13 Aug 2016 – 10 am This Reply is to , Marine Harry Eisenberg , Refs To – Sgt Restless After Reading your story dated 29 July 2016 – it was something I had to read to get me more motivated – I say Thank You Marine .. After reading these posted stories it has gotton me off my ass & more motivated … Grad 14 AUG 72 PI 1st Bn PLT 154 SEMPER FI

T Montana,

RECKLESS Author: Tom Clavin Published 2014


In 1954 or 1955 I was with Hdq 1st Eng. Batt, I did some work on the support stall to ship Reckless home. Always remember my time working to build box’s and crates to ship the First Div. home from Korea.

Chuck Gibson Cpl 1953/1957,

You Sir are an Original American Bad Ass! Devil pups like myself are in awe of what you, and your “brothers” accomplished in WW II! I spent 21 years as a ground pounder, and anytime I felt myself doubting myself or others, I always thought of the Great Warriors that came before me to motivate myself. Thank you for building a great foundation for our beloved Corps to be built on! Semper Fi……

GySgt Ulfsax,

Freak’n awesome Gunny Ruchin. Thanks for posting your letter and great photos, which this old Leatherneck thoroughly enjoyed. What an outstanding job staying in Marine shape after all these years. Chesty would be proud. God Bless & Semper Fi Marine!

Leo Caldeira,

What is the title of the book?


Back in those days days and after the war we had to requalify every year. The other device is called the”basic badge” from which you wore bars that denoted various weapons you were qualified to use such as the BAR, 45 pistol, bayonet, grenade, flame thrower, etc. He ought to be qualified for still being able to wear his original greens. God bless

William Clark,

I agree. It was a “terrible” war as I have only seen. A different style of war, as we presently see. But we all agree we are MARINES. I’m sure the picture was not pre-graduation as we know it today. Let us celebrate that he can still “wear” that uniform. I can’t. OooRah was not even a part of the “Old Corp”. We are still Marines in our day and today. We did our duty in many places,times and assignments.GOD BLESS THE COTPS.

Dan Shoemaker,

Yep, your being picky. This brave man did his time in our beloved Marine Corps during WW2, so what does it matter to you or anyone else? Let this Marine live his life now to the fullest as he or his family see fit. When you get to his age, you may forget a few things also. Semper Fi!!

A.J. Apodaca,

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