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Semper-Fi Admin |


Sgt. Grit:
I appreciate so much the news letters and information. You keep adding to your inventory and have everything any Marine would want. I appreciate what you have done and have offered the Marine Family.

Being a ?Viet Nam Marine, I envy every day those brave young ?devil Dogs? who are standing in the breach for all of us. I wish every day that the Commandant would allow this 61 year old vet the opportunity to allow the enemy to meet his maker. I want those heroes to know that there a lot of old salts around that are very proud that they are upholding the standards and history of our beloved Corps.

I remember spending Thanksgiving and Christmas on hill 881 south and couldn?t wait to get home for some home made Fried Chicken, Okra and home fries. How hurt I was to have tomatoes thrown at me, and profanities, while being called a ?baby killer? ?War Monger? etc. It?s even more sad for me to watch the news and discover that those same idiots who condemned us are now in Congress, Lawyers, Doctors and some even Presidential Candidates and past Presidents. You know what though? I would do it all over again knowing that at least America has the freedoms we do have whether I agree politically with their motives or not. I say to those brave heroes now serving and protecting us ?SEMPER-FI, continue in your faith in our country, and you are representing those core values and tradition that so many men and women have done now for going on 232 years.?

I have included a photo taken Memorial Day in 2006 with a retired Navy Chief and the Mayor of Jacksonville.


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