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Semper Fi #1 Admin |

Semper Fi #1


I would like to tell you about a great group of former MARINES I found out about 2 years ago. The group is called SEMPER FI #1 We are all volunteers. We have about 70 members, active and inactive. ,Once a month we provide full military honors to Veterans at the Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside Ca. We usually do about 10- 15 funerals each duty day which is the 2nd Friday of each month. The branch of service does not matter. They are Veterans who earned and deserve this honor and it is our privilege to give them the full respect they deserve. The comments and thanks that we get from the families just adds to the pride we get from doing these services. We have men & women who drive 2-3 hours 1 way to be there on our duty day. The unit is just a great bunch of people from all walks of life with one thing in common, we are still MARINES. The pride we all get when we put on our Dress Blues on that 1 day each month cannot be expressed fully to you. The unit was formed 11 years ago and gets stronger each year. We are always looking for new members. If you are a Honorably discharged MARINE and would like to serve again in our unit, you can contact our president Mac Mcclain at jmksmcclain [at] or at 909-225-2346 for more information.
Steve Fisher former SGT. of MARINES 1ST. Recon Vietnam 68-69

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