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September the 8th, 1967 Admin |

September the 8th, 1967

Dean Smith and Mark Chase reunited after being Medivacted out of Vietnam Sept 8, 1967

Mark drove 3 1/2 hours to visit me when I returned on a visit from Australia to visit my daughters in Indiana this past month…I was with Mark when he was wounded in Vietnam, and I myself was Medevaced out an hour latter the same day… September the 8th, 1967..we both spend approximately 6 months in various hospitals recovering from wounds sustained on that day…we haven’t seen each other in 41 years..our reunion began a year ago by email when I saw Marks’s picture on the Sgt. Grit web site…words can not describe how happy we were to see each other, and how proud we both are to have served together in Suicide Charley, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division…Republic of Vietnam! No one on this planet can appreciate the camaraderie, brotherhood, and the bonds of war that Mark and I will share together for the rest of our lives on that special day! thanks to Sgt.Grit, and for sharing our story.

Semper Fidelis!
Dean Douglas Smith

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