I just read in The Purple Heart magazine that a Marine Vietnam Vet had received a Silver Star for action while serving with “D” Co. 1st Bat.3rd Marines He was given the award at a ceremony hosted by the National Museum of The Marine Corps. The award was presented to L/Cpl Raymond Kelley on 18-May-2018 exactly 51 years after the action. On 18-May-1967 Kelley was a machine gun team leader when his unit was tasked with to provide relief to a pinned down unit. His team began to receive heavy fire and took multiple casualties. Disregarding his own safety he repeatedly placed himself in the open to assist the wounded Marines and help them to the platoon command post where they could receive medical attention and while ignoring his own wounds continued to fight until the enemy disengaged. It did not say where this took place maybe someone reading this has more detail. Anyway, congrats LCpl Kelley wherever you are and, as always well done and SEMPER FI!!
Ray, not much is said about the close air support on that operation. What do you remember? I was with Lima 3/9 and we connected to 1/3 on the line of defense when we got the close air support. I think you know what I am talking about. They never told us how many, just said a squad. Do you know, it’s always brother me.
You’re welcome Ray.
Harry….thanks for putting the story in the newsletter, I really appreciate it…..Semper Fi….Ray
Hi T….I feel the same way about you my friend….Semper Fi….Ray
Hi Ralph…..I hope all is well with you and yours my friend….Semper Fi….Kelley
Murray….1/3 was still on the float during Operation Buffalo. I think they stayed on it until May of 1968. I was on Buffalo and went home in August of 1967….Semper Fi…..Ray
I am glad they where persistent, and you got the medal. It’s a shame it took so long. Where you still with 1/3 in July67? I think they came off the float for Operation Buffalo.
Happy to hear from you Ray! Again Ray well done and Semper Fi!! Harry
Ray Kelley, no better friend. No worse enemy
Hey Kelley, I just read this initial post and was going to say that Machine Gun Kelley lives in Worcester, MA and is one hell of a crazy Marine like a lot of us and a good friend to many. Take good care, stay well and Semper Fi. my friend, Schroder. Delta 1/4 April ’66 to May ’67. I guess that I don’t need to email you all of the comments.
Murray….I was put in for the Silver Star on 18 May 1967. One of the reasons I received the award is my Battalion Commander Col. Wickwire wrote to Headquarters Marine Corps and explained to them that were were constantly in the field during those months and the paper work was lost. If it wasn’t for my former Platoon Commander Capt. Spear and his wife, I’d have never gotten the award. They pursued this for over 15 years. My two witnesses Dave “Beak” Brooks and Bill “Willie” Peters both passed away while we were going through this procedure. The Operation was Hickory/Beau Charger. Also, Thank you Harry for recognizing me…..Semper Fidelis….Ray “Machine Gun” Kelley
If you look in the records of Delt company 1/3 it states the name of the operation and when it started on 18th of May that’s where I got the information. If you were with him why didn’t they you put him in for the medal back then?
Kelly was on operation Beaver Cage,wqhen hewon the Silver Star,we strted the op on 5 May 67.I as a L/Cpl at the time with Delta 1/3 Kelly was and still is a friend.We even spent time in the same squad together.Kelly was a hard charger.
I can also be a little slow on the thought process! Harry
I was just joking, I don’t get out much either and when I do I talk the persons ear off and they can’t wait to get away from me.. This web site is one of my main go to’s for something to do. I am far from being called a nerd, I wish I wasn’t. I could use a few more smarts.
No I don’t run the site I just check it daily. I’m such a nerd and don’t get out much.I was 1371 with 7th Engrs. 4-Apr-68–22-Apr-69 Harry