When it came to assignments in the Corps I never caught much of a break. Out of boot camp I got Aviation Ordnance School. (not many civilian uses for that knowledge). I finished 2nd in the class but never used the skills. When I made my 1st muster with H&MS-24 at Cherry Pt., the Capt. asked if anyone could type. I meekly raised my hand and spent much of the rest of my time in the Corps as an ordnance clerk. When MAG-24 was moving to Hawaii in the Spring of ’68, I put in to join them. While waiting for orders there, I became a replacement for a Marine who’s dad was already in ‘Nam and told his son to refuse the orders. Good by Hawaii, hello Vietnam and with half the normal leave time as the orders had already been cut. When returning from ‘Nam, my buddies and I put in for every west coast duty station we knew of. They got El Toro and I went back to CP. A couple of months back and I finally got a break. I was offered a TAD assignment to NS Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico. This had not been considered great duty. I guess I was just the right guy, at the right time with the right group there.
Detachment 6, 2nd MAW for most of my 7 months there consisted of 7 salty short time Vietnam vet Sgts. and Cpls., a cool Gunny, and a rarely present 2nd Lt. DET 6 was a support unit for squadrons that deployed to PR for tactical training. (only 1 came down while I was there). We consisted of a motor pool with about 10 jeeps, a couple of 6×6’s, and my M-60 crane and bomb trailers, and a flight line trailer where we manifested and supported the 2 weekly round trip Mar Log flights from CP to GTMO to Rosy and back. Our duties averaged a couple of hours a day with lots of free time. I learned to sail and scuba dive as well as working on my already acquired skills in tennis, golf and basketball. We could also take the jeeps to several authorized locations on the island, but we saw that as more of a guideline than a rule. It was pretty much a paid vacation from Oct. ’69 to May ’70. Also, a lot of young ladies from the Northeast vacation there in winter and were happy to have a couple of crazy Marines with jeeps to escort them around the island. Many great times and memories. I can’t find any record of the existence of DET 6 on military sites. If anyone knows of or served in DET 6, I would love to here about it.
Sgt. Eric Tipton 1966-1970
RVN ’68-’69
I was attached to Det-6, 2nd MAW at Roosevelt Roads Puerto Rico for 6 months 3/1971 -9/1971. I was the 3072 Supply man. The best duty I had in the Corp!
l/CPL George Morales 3rdMAW MACG-38 El Toro Air Station Tustin CA. I was a radio operator I went tdy with RED/EYE missile platoon in late 1974 and we trained in Hawaii from Kaneohe Bay, went to Okinawa trained with red/eye there, went to Subic Bay, we were put on the USS Dubuque from there went to Mindao Providence, Philippine’s to train and ended off the coast of Saigon during Operation Frequent in late April into may 1975. To help evacuate refugees. Can anybody from red/eye missile was there with me contact me please?
How about a 10 man unit. These units were 1 Major as OIC, an 02, 03, 04, 08 and some com types. These were called Nucleus Landing Force Staffs (NLFS) and were put aboard (permanently embarked) LHA’s. At one point we got augmented with a 10 man ordnance team. Our mission was to create and make an interface with the Navy for any embarked forces and then act as a special staff for the Landing or embarked forces. We ran and operated the Management Information System (MIS) on the ship-board computer an AN/UYK-??? and could load the data from the landing force with reel to reel data tapes.
My 2d WES PAC tour was from April 71. to March 72. Was with VMGR 152. Were you there to see Hanoi Jane and Donald. Sutherland do their protest bit. Yelling ‘ F. K. THE ARMY’. at Futemas main gate??
Was there (Naha) in ’72, 7011, went down to Danang to pull gear out when unit removed out of country… went back to Oki to finish my third tour. WERS-17.. Our paths probably crossed.. Chulai 67-69, Chulai 70, and Danang in 72… then on to Hawaii L&R till Jan-76
I was TDY Yokota AFB Japan for six months as Marine Liaison. One Lt. and myself, now thats a small unit.
Hey Carl,I was with mag-36 as a refueler in phu-bai Rvn in 69 and put a lot of fuel in those c-130s with VMGR-152.
I crewed on those c-130, twice weekly Mar-Log flights; 6782 Airborne Radio Operator/Loadmaster 69 to mid 70 before going overseas to VMGR-152 Futemna/DaNang in mid 70. I am sure we have probably met since I logged quite a few hours on those runs. Thanks for reviving some great memories and some excellent RON opportunities that breakdowns sometimes afforded us. Carl Gamlem, Sgt., VMGR 252 CP 69 to Aug 70, VMGR 152 Aug 70 – Sept.71
Good Morning Marines, I was assigned to MAW1-HS-1 Fatima, Okinawa. Lovingly referred to as MUSH-1 by all of the enlisted members. We flew C-117s out of Fatima until 1978 when all of the remaining Gooney Birds were reassigned to other units as VIP Birds. We really had some times supporting the flight operations of what we referred to as (Shits Airline), Short Haul Interisland Transport Service! The C-117s were in their twilight years but there never was a flight cancellation for a mechanical problem. I still remember the Thunderous Roar created by the piston driven engines when one of the plane captains would preform a MAG-AMP check on the flight line beside the little Conex Box we used as a GSE office! Okinawa was a great place to be stationed in those days!!!
Hi Marines, My name is Tom Miller,AKA T.C Miller. Boot Camp San Diego, Calif. Ending up being an aviation ordnance man (mos 6511) Trained in Jacksonville Fla., then shipped out to El Toro .From there, deployed to Korea. You see I enlisted in Feb. 1952 out of New Orleans. I was supposed to be assigned to a carrier. You see, there was another T.C.Miller, we got crossed, the other went on carrier duty and I got the Korea assignment. I ended up at K-6 near Pyongtek. I spent fourteen months there. My funny boot camp story, I tell my grand kids and great grand kids was this. Remembering mail call in boot camp, if someone received pogy bait, the D I would make you open the package, if it was cookies, you had to eat the whole thing.From the start, I wrote home and told my parents not to send anything. Guess what, they sent me a harmonica. I said to myself how do you digest this? The D I made me play the Marine Corps Hymn every time we went to chow, marching behind the right guide……..WHAT MEMORIES……..SEMPER FI IN Diego, I was platoon 182
1st MAW stationed in Naha, Okinawa. We had a Staff/ Sgt( acting OIC) myself a Sgt and 8 other marines Cpl and below taking care of the arresting gear in a unit called L&R ( Launch and Recovery). From 72-73
1st MAW a unit I was in was called MWWU SubUnit #1 maybe 25-30 people