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Son of Retired USMC MSgt

Son of Retired USMC MSgt Admin |

I am the adopted 77 yr. old son of a 92 year old retired U S Marine Corps DI still giving orders. Although I never served, I feel as though I have been instructed by one of the best and have in some small part earned some Corps values that have served me through life. Thanks “Dutch”, Dad’s handle given to him while in training at P.I. After end of WW II Dutch was a Drill Instructor at Paris Island, SC.

I grew up as a Marine’s son, learning to shoot pistols, rifles, shotguns at age 7 and was very proficient at it. He would arrange matches with me against some of the recruits that he wanted to, I guess encourage, and I would win. All the D.I.’s would have a good laugh. This was at Paris Island 1946-47 My favorite time was spent in the armory with Dutch checking out all the weapons and listening to all the sea stories told by the drill instructors. I guess rules were a little more relaxed back then, compared to now days.

One of the more amusing stories I remember hearing was when Dutch was a recruit in training at P.I. year 1939-40, one of the recruits left his foot locker out to far and the D.I. tripped over it during lights out night count. I guess all hell broke out with some choice verbiage in the ear of the offender. Dutch and some of his buddies thinking this was humorous, after lights out a few days later pulled the same fella’s foot locker out. During night count the D.I. sees the foot locker out and lites into recruit with **#!*!!##* language stating if left out again the foot locker would be tossed off the balcony or out the window. Well guess you know what happens next! Except, they switched the recruits foot locker with the gunny’s foot locker and left the gunny’s locker in the isle. True to his word off the balcony went the foot locker. I think there was some company punishment involved when the gunny discovered the next morning it was his locker he had thrown off the balcony! I hope this was a true story and not something made up, I just remember hearing them tell it, either way it is a good story. I think they may have used it in a movie, not sure.

Dutch was a 19 year old squad leader then platoon Sgt. on Saipan and Okinawa. This short story takes place on one of these island that was nothing but a muddy bog during rainy season. Dutch said their boots would be so coated and weighed down with mud that it was almost impossible to move. He said one night on patrol struggling up a muddy hill they heard the Marine on point slip and fall backward knocking everyone down like dominos but no one going anywhere because there boots were so stuck in the mud they all just wound up on their can’s . Really funny to a young kid, probably not so funny to those involved.
Thanks for the memories Dutch and God bless all those who have and are protecting our freedom.

Frank Hundshamer for
Irwin W Hundshamer “Dutch”
USMC MSgt. retired


Dutch is 97 not 92 I am 78 not 77 I used the M1 carbine at 5.5 lbs. I out shot the recruits on two occasions. The M1 carbine recoil was not near as harsh as my 12 Ga. single shot Stevens. I was hunting Quail at age seven and by season end had more kills than my uncles. Born and raised on a farm in Hampton county SC until Dutch and mom were married 1946 I think. He adopted me when I was 15.

Frank Hundshamer,

Dutch adopted me in Albany Ga. when I was 15 yrs. old. The photo I attached was a ceremony at Paris Island honoring Dutch’s service there as a USMC DI . The rifle I used was an M1 Carbine at 5.5 lbs. I was seven years old during the couple of times I out matched the recruits. Maybe they were from NYC and didn’t know the difference between a rifle and their gun! The recoil of the M1 30 cal. carbine was not nearly as harsh as the recoil of my 12 Ga. single shot Stevens shotgun that was bought for me when I was six. My uncles had bird dogs and at seven years of age I had killed more quail than them by seasons end. Dutch was born April 10, 1923. and he is 97 yrs. old now, made a mistake on his age didn’t I. Don’t know where my mind was, fingers must have touched the wrong key and my wife informs me I am 78 not 77. Hope this clears things up. Sorry for the snafu.

Frank Hundshamer,

If Frank was adopted shortly after birth, Dad would’ve been 15 or 16 years old. He needs to recheck his dates.

Not a math whiz,

I dont think the footlocker story was to far from the truth. Even 1974 when I went through recruit training in San Diego we had to learn the manual of arms with our footlocker and several ended up out barracks window smashed on the cement outside. Plus our drill instructors were always putting us up to some kind if mischief directed at the drill instructors of our sister platoon. SEMPER FI BROTHERS

Robert Minton,

Crap! I overlooked the math!!

Harry 1371,

You are right grunt the math does not make sense Frank would be about 5 in 1947 and “Dutch” would have been 12 when in boot camp in 1939 if my math is right. Could have been a good story

Bill 0331,

Made me read the story twice “grunt”. LOL
Not to mention it had to be an M-1 Garand weighing a minimum of 9.5 lb. and a fair enough kick for a child.
The D.I. item is not totally unrealistic, Dutch being 19 years old at the time. Hugh Charles Krampe (Hugh O’Brian/Wyatt Earp) was the youngest Drill Instructor in Marine Corps history at 17.

G Willard 0311, 8651/0321,8511,….,

How old w ere you when you were adopted, Frank?


He would have been 13 years old in 1939. Now 92. Born in 1926.

Bill Giulian,

OK, Frank. If you’re 77, you would have been 4 to 5 years old when you were outshooting the recruits at Parris (2 r’s) Island. Pretty impressive!

Former grunt,

Love to hear old stories from Old Salts, of Parris Island. My unit was Plt 395, India Co, 3rd Bn, MCRD Parris Island Oct-Dec 73. Stories like this make me so proud that I served in the United States Marine Corps from 5 Oct 73
to 4 Oct 77.

Chuck Baker,

Great story Frank!! Semper Fi Master Sgt. “Dutch” Harry 1371

Harry 1371,

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