They Lay At Final Rest
by Del “Abe” Jones
They lie in flag draped coffins
War’s time for them, is done
But, for their family and friends
The battle has just barely begun.
Some may have had babies born
That they will never get to know
Some, fiancees wait to marry them
But fate, would not let it be so.
Some parents bury their children
Not right, in the scheme of things
Just one, of the many horrors
That mankind’s warring brings.
They fought for their god and country
They proudly answered duty’s call
Along with all their comrades in arms
But, sadly, these just gave their all.
The haunting sounds of Taps
And a three volley, gun salute
An Honor Guard in uniform
At attention, standing mute.
The flag will be folded reverently
Presented to those left behind
A small token from a grateful nation
But, relief from grief is hard to find.
Their name added to a roll of Heroes
With all those who have gone before
And there seems to be no ending
To all those to be sacrificed to war.