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Going To Be Old Corps Admin |

Going To Be Old Corps

Dwight Lada running in the Boot Camp Challenge Went out to MCRD in October to take part in the Boot Camp Challenge – a three mile run around the Depot that went over, under, and through many of the obstacles the recruits use. There were about 3,000 people, most civilians, taking part. All along the way DIs were strategically stationed to provide encouragement to the runners. As you can see from the DI’s body posture in the picture, he was gently suggesting I pick up the pace, just like in the old days! Most folks wore running shorts and tennis shoes, but I figured if you’re going to be Old Corps you might as well dress like it. It’s been 37 years since boot camp, and I swear someone must have raised the height of the log and wall obstacles since then! One note for next year – don’t wear white socks. They cost me about 50 bends and thrusts at various obstacles when a DI would notice them and politely inquire, “so when did we start wearing white socks in my Corps, huh?”. One nice change from running the “O” course as a recruit, though – swapping sea stories and enjoying a cold one from the beer tent afterwards.

Dwight Lada

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