3rd Battalion Barracks At PI

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old 3rd bn barracks mcrd pi

I would like to send a photo and brief description of the old 3rd Bat. barracks at Parris Island that are being torn down. I was there two weeks ago, they are partially demolished, the bricks are being preserved and sold by the base museum to raise funds. The barracks were used from 1960/61 until three years ago. A new Bat. area is located a short distance away. I took some pictures of the shells of these buildings while standing on the old parade deck, many memories came to me there in the silence. Thought many old 3rd Bat. Marines would like to see what has happened to the barracks. I was there in 1961, they were brand new, and jokingly referred to as Disneyland by the 1st and 2nd Bats.

B.R. Whipple, Sgt


Arrived at PI in the dark of November 22, 1965. Went through receiving the next day(hair cut, initial issue, etc) when there were enough to form a platoon we were marched out to the 3rd Battalion area (wasn’t really much of a march more like moving cattle) trying to keep up luging sea bags and learning that I may have made the biggest mistake of my young life. We were now Plt 3021, living on the third deck (we learned to get up and down that ladder way at the speed of light). When I close my eyes I can hear Sgt C. Krause yelling to move move move. I have never stopped moving. Sgt Bruce Friedman 1965-1969

Bruce P. Friedman,

Spent the summer of 72 there. Platoon 362. Loved the air-conditioning (NOT!)

Michael Marxen,

Plt 361 …stood on the yellow footprints in July 1964 and became a Marine in the barracks shown!

Bill Mize,

My father was on the island during the 1st.War 1918, I was there in the white elephants plt . 162 in Sept. 1961. My son was there in 2nd. Battalion in 1990 .In 1961 3rd. battalion was called Disneyland.

Johnny Freeman,

Robert, was also at PI in 1958 over in the 2nd Bn. Plt. 2030. Believe it or not we also had a Robert Otto in our platoon . He was from somewhere in N.Y. We graduated on Feb. 20th ,59.I was discharged from active duty 1964. Semper Fi

Dave Shatzer Sgt E5,

PLT 324, May 1965 to August 1965, discharged 1971, back into the Reserves in 1982, retired CWO4 in 2006. Delta 1/4 in Vietnam 66 to 67 (18 months).


I was there in platoon ( 346 ) June 1963 . Tour of duty was ( 1963 to 1969 ). Best years of my life was with the USMC . Semper Fi .

George C. Goeppert,

Platoon 347 in 1962 ended up serving 22 years and my parade was at El Toro. Standing tall and retiring with me was LT Col Lang – My Senior Drill Instructor.

J.R. Waltz, MSGT,

Platoon 160 Bravo 1st Battalion July 1964 in 2-story wooden barracks between mess hall and 782 gear hut. DIs Plummer, Wargo and Lane. The only time we had A/C was in the brick barracks at the rifle range. We went to PI in the late 80s but most of the 1st Battalion had changed but some of the old buildings were standing. Rifle range wa as remembered.

Mike Blackwell,

I was in Plt 148 of the 2nd battalion in 1948. Wooden barracks. Are they gone? When? From there to the Instruction barracks and on to Cherry Point.

Wallace Pfeifer,

One of these barracks was definitely the one I was housed in with Plt 359 from 28 Jun 71 – 8 Sep 71. SDI Turman and JDI’s Simon and Polk. Seeing these definitely brings back a lot of memories of a very tough summer for a 17 year old kid. I’ve never regretted for one instant of having become a Marine, as its been the biggest accomplishment in my life, but I’ve never had any desire to repeat the summer of ’71 either. Extremely proud to carry the title to my grave. Semper Fi Marines!!!

Murrie L. Hubbard III,

It makes you wonder what was so bad about concrete block and brick barracks that warranted new barracks and tearing these down. I mean, do they need something fancy to train future killers? We are Marines, not Air Force …. LOL!! 3rd Herd. Platoon 3082, H Co. Oct 21, 1983. SEMPER FI Brothers and Sisters

Dave Smith,

I was in PI in 1957 co 151 2nd battalion. After getting out out of the Marines I enlisted in the us navy stayed 24 years. I remember about every day at PI after all these years.

Benny L White,

1954 Plt 319

Norman W Rowley,

I was in platoon 396 S.Sgt Singer Sgt Bell and Sgt Anderson. Meanest man i ever met.S,Sgt Singer said what ever you do in life.You will never ever forget me,He was right. I still have the most respect for him. Mine was Oct 1974

Cpl Junior R Graham,

I remember well! Spent June, July, and August 1968 there in Plt 385.

Mike Koval,

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