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1953 BGen. Brown Admin |

Lt. Gen Franklin A. Hart and BGen. Wilburt S. BrownLt. Gen Franklin A. Hart and BGen. Wilburt S. Brown

1953 BGen. Brown

Maj. Darby,

That was BGen. Wilburt S. Brown. I heard some of his contemporaries refer to him as ‘Slew-foot’ Brown. Probably went back to his WW1 days. I’ve attached a foto of him with Lt.Gen. Franklin A. Hart (a fearful man). Brown is in the center. He was Chief Umpire for the exercise.Notice he is wearing the French Fourregere, that was a personal decoration since it has the loops outside the arm. This was during AirLex II at 29Palms. I believe it was early 1953. I was with 3rd Sig.Bn.

29 Palms was pretty nasty back then. I first went there in ’52, absolutely nothing there, no shelter of any kind. Just lizards, tortoises and some old prospectors.

P. Santiago
GySgt. (Retired)

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