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A Soldiers Poem Admin |

By: Sergeant Aaron M. Gilbert

The patriot the soldier,
The young and the old,
Protect our great country.
They stand to be bold.

Some protest in spite,
Some riot in rage,
Some scream “Peace and not war!”
From the safety of their cage.

But we who stand up
For freedom to reign,
Give all that we have,
And expect nothing to gain.

But the freedom we win,
We give without fail.
No crying or bitching,
For WE have prevailed.

We are the soldiers,
Who give up our lives,
Leave all that we know,
To pay the ultimate price.

Freedom is not free,
It come with it’s toll,
And some never return,
And leave their stories untold.

I acknowledge the protest,
The riots, the rage,
And the ones given their freedom
Without having to pay.

But let it be known,
Come rain, sleet or hail,
The Marines are on call,
To fight and die for your betrayal.

Dedicated to the Patriot, the soldier, and especially to those who have spit upon the graves of MY FRIENDS who have died in this war. May God have mercy on your souls.

April 22, 2003
Sergeant Aaron M. Gilbert
United States Marine Corps
Operation Iraqi Freedom
©2003 Aaron M. Gilbert

I, Aaron M. Gilbert, authorize others to make copies and distribute these works freely, and that no money can be made from the sale or distribution of these works without the Author’s expressed written consent.

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