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Clip vs. Magazine

Clip vs. Magazine

There still seems to be some confusion over the nomenclature of “CLIP” vs. “MAGAZINE”, and current dictionaries don’t seem to help the matter much. Consulting: Merriam-Webster, 2002 online edition Clip (noun) 2: a device to hold cartridges for charging the magazines of some rifles; also: a magazine from which ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm.

I personally feel only the first part of the definition sentence is correct, and the 2nd part refers to “slang” usage. Correct nomenclature usage could save your keister. If you were out of ammo during a firefight while equipped with an M-16, and yelled “Toss me an ammo clip!” you might get exactly what you asked for; a 10-round clip of 5.56mm ammo from a buddy’s bandoleer without the magazine charging adapter, instead of what you *really* needed; an already loaded magazine! The extra time required to
load the magazine from the clip just might cost you and your fellow Marines dearly.

Older service rifles, such as the 03-A3 and M-1 Garand, have magazines that are a permanent part of the rifle’s receiver, and are loaded using a “clip”. The current M-16 service rifles are loaded using a detachable magazine, which may be loaded either by inserting a single cartridge at a time, or by using a “clip” and a magazine charging adapter.

Perhaps the following definitions would be more clearly understandable and useful when applied to service rifles:
“CLIPS” – hold cartridges together in a compact unit, and are used for rapid loading of magazines. “MAGAZINES” – hold cartridges together in a compact unit, are nearly fully enclosed, and have a spring-loaded cartridge follower that positions the cartridges for loading into the chamber of the rifle.

But I’ve only been shooting for around 40 years, so some of the real “Old Corps” readers might have some better definitions.

It’s only the rounds that hit the targets which count.
The rounds that hit the targets quickly save lives.

Great newsletters, keep ’em coming!

Semper Fi,

Steve “Wookie” Wilke, SGT, USMCIR (29MAR74-30MAR80) MOS 6657 (Airborne
Weapons System Specialist, F-4J/S)

Previous article Lineage of the USMC Eagle, Globe and Anchor


Cpl Bob Korea Era - May 11, 2020

That is an excellent description of clip vs magazine. We used clips in our M-l Rifles in Korea. BAR’s used magazine’s I think, if my memory isn’t in sick bay. Hello Corpsman…got anything for brain malfunction?

Vst101010 - May 11, 2020

Thanks for clarifying that!

BA (Brad) Hanley 4th Recon - May 11, 2020

I have always understood as most that a magazine was attached to the rifle and a permanent part. Unlike a detachable unit. Such as a tube fed unit – 30-30. .22 rim fire. Or an attached spring fed Winchester, Remington, Browning most of the older hunting type rifles that are loaded thru the chamber from under the floor plate. Where a clip was a detached unit and held ammunition that could be loaded as a separate attachment.

Ed Leidy - May 11, 2020

CORRECT! Clips “Clip” the rounds together at the base in the small metal “Stripper Clip” (Ahem). They can then be quickly loaded into the MAGAZINE. The only “Clip-Fed” weapon I know of (and know it well) is the M-1 Garand. The 03-A3 Springfield family had a notch above the breech to accept the stripper clip, which beat loading the rounds one-by-one (try THAT under fire!) Remember – these terms come from Hollywood where holding the .45 or other pistol SIDEWAYS while firing is the norm. These are the people who say the crime scene smelled “like cordite” – what, were they using British Enfields?? Pardon an old Corpsman’s babblings, but it had be said. Semper Fi Mac – “Doc” HM-2 FMF 1st Mar.Div RVN.

LtCol Tom Harleman USMC (Ret), PhD - May 11, 2020

Good assessment, Steve. I think when we transitioned to the M14 and then fairly soon to the M16, the old salts were not all willing to substitute ‘magazine’ for ‘clip.’ By the mid-Eighties, most Marines had the correct terminology down, and there was little confusion or misuse of the term ‘clip’ when ‘magazine’ was meant. You’re right that precise language is quite important! Harry’s also right when he says most civilians don’t know or care about the difference.

S/f, Tom Harleman, LtCol USMC Ret 1970-1999

Harry - May 11, 2020

Clip is the Civilian term. Civilians do not know the difference.I’ll take a belt fed weapon!!

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