Served from May 1961 – May 1965 (went through Parris Island MCRD) – when the DI’s were allowed to swear and smack you around a little if you needed it – and run your ass off – all night an all day if THEY so Chose – loved every minute of it. There was even the “Fat Man” Platoon – but I’m sure you can’t say that now – or it would hurt someone’s feelings of a “weight-challenged” individual. Now all the bleeding heart liberals in Congress – most of who are a bunch of pussywimpass non-vet Cowards have banned all such behavior on the part of DI’s who are trying to prepare Boys to be Men and to possibly go into combat if needed. Hey – if a Marine now encounters the enemy swearing at them or calling them names – are they supposed to report the incident to some State Side Military Lawyer and wait for permission to fire their weapon? Happy Horseshit we use to call it. Good luck to all who now go through the politically correct restrained “babysitting” MCRD experience.
No more fat bodies or skinnies they weeded out before arrival at P.I. or S.D. as poolies. Running physical training programs throughout the week for however long it takes for future Marine to pass the pft. Which is more than it was in 1969. There is a proficiency test also. But enough of comparing Apple’s and oranges I a 66 year old marine have a 27 year old Marine in my family,my son, he is every bit the Marine I am ,they now train in the martial arts ,he is a black belt. So old or new P.I.or S.D, Quantico we all wear the Eagle Globe and Anchor ( I hate to see EGA just a personal thing) we are all Marines (Dept of the Navy). It is a lifetime brotherhood,any Marine out there who for any reason needs a hand with anything call on any Marine and help will arrive. We are one fine tuned machine I will today fight beside today’s Marines (still an expert shot) and know they will have my 6 . Some day it may come to that so be ready. Semper Fi till !!!!!
Your right…there is a lot of political correctness going on in our country, and has been for a while and the so called pussification of the American male is obvious and wide spread. Everyone seems to be a victim these days and God forbid we should offend someone with our language or our opinion. Surely this must have an effect on the training of young Marines. But… I don’t think it means they are any less prepared or motivated thin in my day. (1968) So the Drill Instructors can’t cuss or beat you ass like they used too. That is not the way of the world today. The Marine Corps adapts and overcomes. The Drill Instructors still teach the best of combat skills and discipline. They still teach respect and tradition. My Grandson graduated MCRD San Diego not long ago. Not only is he my Grandson, he is now my Brother. The Marines today are just as tough as ever and the country is just as safe as ever.
I went through PI MCRD sept-dec 1961.graduating from Plt 383. I was set back due to an infected blister that morphed to blood poisoning that laid me up in sick bay for 2 weeks. They can handle a recruit missing I think up to 7 days, but past that you get set back. So I experienced 2 sets of DIs. When I read this post, and reflected on it, I realized that in both platoons I can’t recall any really creative foul language from the DIs, & only one slap to a recruit. It was obvious in my 2nd platoon, our Sr DI was religious, & the Sr DI calls the shots, so nary a foul word from the Jr DI.s In my 1st Platoon we thought our Sr DI was the devil incarnate, yet he wasn’t a screamer or swearer. In fact he was a man of few words, spoken quietly, but with a body English had would send a spike of fear down your spine. This doesn’t mean we were on a picnic. Someone told me that there was a sign in Officer Training in Quantico that said “beware the enlisted man, though illiterate, he’s crafty and sly, and bears watching at all times”. I’m assuming the DI’s in the platoons I was with were hands off and clean of verbiage for a reason, likely Battalion leadership. But every action has a counter action, so my DI’s were very creative about building recruit character without laying a finger on you. I left many many pools of sweat on the decks.
SGT R KING 64-74 Being politically correct means you one of those who never wore the uniform of any branch of service. the MARINE CORPS fights what you fear, our men and woman support what that flag stands for , in some far off place our enemies will say things to you about your mother, father, brother, sister, your dog , your gold fish, your cat, and your wife , children ,and don’t forget your sweet pure girl friend back home, In the marine corps we were made tough, hard, strong, our DI’s used words some we never heard before, they were our guides ,our leaders our best friends they showed us what we were here for why we joined the best force in the world. there are and have been men and woman who have wore the uniform who have died for the rights you live under even being politically correct. but those same politically correct ass wipes will never stand the wall or hold a rifle to defend those rights that is what they have us do for them. if you have or your father or grand father ever served in a war and the enemies called them names , what do you think they did or said. if your feelings are hurt tough shit GROW A PAIR, in the Marines we were taught that there is only one color ,it is not black ,white, brown, yellow, red, or polkadot , it was MARINE CORPS GREEN . we were all the same, we were bothers and sisters, we were and always will be MARINES. THERE WAS NO POLITICALLY CORRECTNESS. being politically correct means weakness, fear ,cowards, these are the new age bullies. those who can’t or wont put on the uniform and stand the wall, pick up a rifle, walk the walk or defend the flag or country that we who have served or those who are serving are doing , if anything these ” people” should thank us for the rights that they have now and have had , and not tell us that their feelings are hurt because we said something they don’t like or don’t believe in, we have fought far too many war’s, been in far too many conflicts to be politically correct. this is not a fairy tale world we live in AMERICA IS NOT A JOKE, politically correct people make us a joke in the eyes of the world and give our enemies the win. but we who are MARINES will never allow us to fall, MARINES NEVER FAIL, ONCE A MARINE ALWAYS A MARINE.
Boot camp at PISC we had “Elephant Platoons” for those over weight recruits. No Political Correctness back then.You should all read President Truman’s definition of Political Correctness, it’s so true.
I agree with all you guys .3rd Blt PI 1959 summer to early fall no political correctness back in the day.But I am a better man today at 76 yrs.old Semper Fi Brothers CPL.Jerry
As a 17 year old 1958 recruit I found only one difference between God and my DI. God didn’t think he was a DI.
We weren’t treated like fragile little cupcakes back then. The DI’s had a hard job to do, getting Marines out of whinny-assed civilians and ready to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. Our DI’s used the salty language and physical abuse that today’s recruits will never be subjected to. But it was necessary and it worked. We were scared shitless until graduation day. Ours was the first series at MCRD, PISC to go through the reduced training cycle (29 Jun – 2 Sep 1965). Semper Fi. GySgt USMC (Retd) ’65-’85.
I had my draft papers in hand in 1964. Instead of the Army, I went in the Corps. Basic training at Parris Island. The best thing I ever did. Went to Lejune, had embassy duty, and a med cruise. Semper Fi. Dr Ray Ernst. Sgt USMC?
Hit P.I. mid September 1967, Platoon 3046. Getting smacked around was the order of the day. Got my share but was lucky enough to be made platoon “scribe” due to my 2 years of college prior to enlisting. A number of the recruits went to “motivation platoon,” came back and were duly motivated. I was a “fat body” at 5’10 and 185 pounds, but after 2 weeks of all the salad and Jello I could eat I weighed in at 165 and was taken off the “fat body” designation. Went back to P.I. in February 2015 for my daughter’s cousin graduation and had an opportunity to speak with the commanding general the night before graduation. Then, at 67 years of age, couldn’t help but stand before her, heels locked, thumbs along side the seams of my jeans. Expressed my view that the lack of “corporal” punishment, “language” and “motivation” was detrimental to the Corps. Getting beat in boot camp once in awhile is what makes us different, it’s what gives us the comraderie such that when I say “Semper Fi” to another Marine wearing a Marine cover, it means something. Just my thoughts. C. J. Seyer, Corporal, USMC 1967-1969.
Bring back the draft which will get the kids, good and bad off of the streets. I’m not bad mouthing our volunteer
Millitary service members but if we are going to rebuild our defensive forces back,up they will have to come from somewhere. The sooner the better. Everyone should have to serve at least two years for the privilege of living in this country.
Best thing I have ever done was join the USMC after high School in 1862. It made me a man.
I went into the Corps in July 1965 Platoon 220 ,had plenty of ass kicking and more bad language than I’ve heard I all the years since then. Senior drill was a marine six feet four and about 220 lbs. and when he slapped you, you knew it. Played many hours of belly crawling under bunks and the last one up knew it. I went to Nam and I knew then like I know now, I’m a Marine through and through. Thanks to the hard training at boot camp . At Paris Island.
I went to boot camp in June of 1970. After about two weeks, I was sent to “Fat Man’s Farm’ and was there for about three weeks. If I hadn’t gone there, I would never have graduated and become a Marine. It was difficult but, it was the best thing to happen to me at that point. Too bad some of these guys nowadays get so offended, it’s not a big deal and it gets you into shape.
In reply to Bob Schermerhorn.
1862 huh thats old corps
I was a recruit at P I from April 61 to July 61 (plt 119). We were a few days into training when receive a new recruit who had just come out of the motivation platoon. His rack was across from mine and for the first few days I thought he was most bug eyed person I had ever seen. After a few days , however, his eyes gradually receded back to a normal level. I don’t know what got him sent to motivation but when he came out he was one highly motivated recruit and completed boot camp with us. My recollection is that Motivation platoon then was for 2 types of individuals. Those who thought they were tougher then everyone else and the other group which I will refer to as Mommy boys. The private I mention was a reservist and during our final week of training he was offered a promotion to PFC and choice of assignment if he would take a full 4 year enlistment. The language that was used by the D Is back then would certainly be considered “hurtful” in todays society but the end result it made us stronger individuals . With respect to the question did your D I ever hit you the only response that was acceptable was SIR THE PRIVATES D I NEVER HIT HIM SIR